Minimalist to be the Maximalist

I read from Peak Performance that highly successful people, e.g. Barak Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs have very simple/ consistent wardrobe to minimize decision making on trivia things and save the energy to focus on more important things. A benefit of working from work is that I don’t need to make wardrobe decision now. I decided to experiment starting this week (3/23). I wrote down 2 things: (1) food for 3 meals and (2) to-dos for work day.

The food plan worked well, saving me time to think about it and staring at the fridge. The work plan worked partially as thing ‘pop-up’ or often took longer than expected. I need to have buffer, plan no more than 5, and start with the most important thing. It also takes the discipline not to get distracted by seemingly ‘quick’ task and courage to ‘block’ time in order to focus/ complete one thing then move on to the next.

A learning process to be continued…

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