Listen More, Talk Less

When I came to US to attend business school, I was shocked that students raised their hands ‘before’ professor even finished the question. How could people ‘think’ that fast? At first, I thought it’s my English (to understand) or classmates were ‘smarter’ than me. As time went on, I realized that it’s a strategy (as class participation is an important part of grades), people got the spot first then think about the answer, like Jeopardy. Sometimes, the response made I wonder whether the student actually read the case. Back home (Taiwan), except you have good/ important things to say or ask/ answer question, students listen in class. The ‘expressive’ culture seems amplified in the professional world. Earlier on, I waited for people to finish before raising my points but it often didn’t happen. People ‘jumped’ in, one after the other, sometimes, on top of each other. I have to speak up…

To improve my communication, I read books, take courses, and joined Toastmaster. Nowadays, I often get compliments from people about my presentation, enthusiasm, and story-telling. Yet I also received feedback that I pack too much in a speech, speak fast (have-to if not over-time), sometimes too fast to skip words or jump sentences. I also noticed that I now talk after other. I become ‘part’ of the fast-moving, non-stop-talking culture…

I want to work on ‘listen more, cut/ slow down’ in communication.

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