Messages Worth Spreading

I attended Harvard Dynamic Women in Business conference ‘Driving Change Together’. Let me share a few messages by the speakers, panelists that resonated with me and I believe will be useful for all (women and men)!

‘Choose courage over comfort 100% of the time’…by Carine Clark

‘learn the language of speaking up, not to use just, instead use yet’. ‘You have a voice’, ‘no is a complete sentence’, ‘hey hey hey…‘ (stop somebody when something goes too fast), ‘I’m not convinced’

‘Take the fact people underestimate you to your advantage’…by Elyse winer

‘Other’s expectation is low, you set your bar very high’

‘You always have choice, focus on what you can win’…by Judy Jackson

‘Negotiate with myself (is it worth it, good fit or not)’ by Rica elysee

Believe and take good care of ourselves!

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