
One of the tenants (family) came from WenZhou, China and we didn’t know until the past 2 days the severity of coronavirus situation there. I’m glad they got out before the city was locked up and they seem healthy for the past 2 weeks (pass the virus hidden period?). However, their son is coughing and they aren’t mindful of where they go or what they do to avoid the risk of contacting travelers from the virus region. We need a frank talk. It’s not fair, nor convenient for the people, especially during Chinese New Year, it’s supposed to be a happy time. Now people are scared to go out and masks are sold-out or jacked up prices.

I have deep sympathy for the people and hope the coronavirus situation is resolved soon. Yet we need to hold people responsible and make sure they’re aware of the impacts to others. Flu itself has taken 10k+ lives in US in 2019-2020 flu seasons according to CDC. I suggested all of us (tenants) to wear a mask and stay in the room if under weather…it’s to be responsible and caring for each other. All of us need to do our best to stay healthy and protect/ respect others’ well-beings.

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