Pat on Our Back

We have Toastmaster District 31 Communication & Leadership conference this week. In ‘Four Secrets of Powerful Evaluations’ workshop, I was nominated by my breakout session mates to represent the group in ‘giving evaluation – what, why, how to use the stage’. Instead of going with my thoughts, I tried to ‘incorporate’ everybody’s inputs which meant I had to ‘look at’ my note vs. seeing myself on the screen. I didn’t know how I did or looked to others and felt less ‘natural’. The instructor complimented me, so did a few others yet I’m still unsure…I was questioning myself.

An old friend (& a good evaluator) texted me later thanking me to share the workshop with her; she enjoyed it and commented that I did a nice job in presenting. I finally ‘started’ to believe that I did ok, perhaps good in many people’s eyes; clearly, better than what I thought I did.

It’s interesting that I’m far more generous to compliment others than myself (probably many people as well) and moreover, only myself know what/ how I’d say. If I do, great, if I don’t, nobody knows anyway. Why am I nitpicking on myself? and it takes 3-4 compliments to sink in. Give ourselves a pat on the back. Nice Job, me!

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