I attended Constant Contact Sales & Marketing Toastmaster meeting in 8/14/19 and had a great time~ Good speakers, supportive environment, and creative twists, e.g. humor workshop, facilitated audience evaluation. The speaker of humor workshop said ‘If you don’t laugh yourself, somebody else will’, everybody laughed. It’s humor in action and ‘double’ bonus – making you laugh and think at the same time.
Many of us don’t think we’re ‘funny’, perhaps, that’s why we’re not…we take humor too ‘seriously’. Also, what we think of ourselves may differ from what others perceive us. I thought humor is the most difficult part of speech craft and never considered myself funny yet many people told me ‘you’re funny’ and laughed at my unintentional jokes. Perhaps that’s what humor is about, having ‘fun’ together, talking about whatever without overthinking it. We tend to underestimate ourselves, especially in the areas that we don’t think we’re good at. Of course, there are techniques and it takes practices to get better, yet except you want to be a comedian or professional speaker, being ourselves is the best way to have fun with each other!