Pay Attention

Beautiful Heart

Today in my walk around the neighborhood, I noticed 3 things: 1st are a bunch of ‘purple ball’ flowers on top of green sticks, like a lollipop and 2nd are ‘pink hearts’ flowers hanging between the leaves. I googled and found the purple ball is called Allium, also known as “ornamental onions”. The pink heart is called Bleeding Heart, I’d prefer calling it Beautiful Heart as it represents.

3rd is a ‘corn cob’ shape bamboo craft on a stick (like a torch); at first, I thought it’s a garden decoration, looking closer, I saw grains inside; it’s a bird feeder.

It’s cool to see these 3 beautiful creations by nature and human. I walk everyday, why didn’t I notice them earlier? Clearly spring is here and if we pay attention, there are beauty and joy everywhere.

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