Rich – Multiplier

Rich runs a successful recruiting firm yet he is not a typical recruiter.

Rich hasn’t interviewed me, nor placed me for a role. Yet, he has done more than that.

We met in Columbus, OH when I was graduating from my MBA program, and we have kept in touch since – for 14+ years. Every once in a while, we check-in with each other, or I pick his brain. Rich is always supportive and positive.

In December ’20, I asked him if he would mentor me (to prepare) to be a general manager. He said yes with no hesitation. Though the request started with professional growth, Rich quickly pointed out that personal life is just as important, and to make sure I also focused on my health, happiness, and relationship(s).  He asked questions that makes me think. For example, what would you do if you have all the money you need? He challenged me to push outside the comfort zone and be patient with myself. He recommended to “constantly question why, be a catalyst for growth, and figure out your passion and value added”.

One of my favorite book is Multipliers: the best leader is not to be genius him/herself but finds genius in others. The best leaders make everyone smarter. Rich lives that well.

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