I attended 3 education sessions led by talented and passionate teachers, Matt, Joshua, and Melissa of Social Services and Education Symposium at New England University in Portland, Maine.
Matt shared ‘crew’ program in his school: each crew has 14 students and an advisor (teacher). The crew meet daily to discuss what’s happening and challenging in their studies and life, and choosing special topic to research and understand, e.g. Black life matter. Matt gave us exercises to experience being a crew member, e.g. What does Home mean, to create a shared belonging.
Joshua showed how he interacted with his 2nd graders; in the video, kids raised their hands eagerly answer question and express themselves. What’s behind was thoughtful instructions and tools (toys) to help students gain confidence of themselves, respect of each other, and build on other’s thinking. Joshua encourages students to think and express themselves through exercises, e.g. Looking at 4 pictures and choosing what doesn’t belong.
Melissa brought a lot of children story books. We sat in a group of 6, sharing books and reflections with each other. Through colorful pictures and stories, we became interested in and aware of different cultures and experiences. What a clever way to teach emotional intelligence and early on.
I’m inspired by and grateful for these teachers works. They’ve shown that resource doesn’t limit us, location doesn’t define us; intention and creativity can make anything happen!