
We had a global all-hands town hall meeting. In the meeting, COO shared 3 numbers (3—4880—0) and asked everybody to guess what they mean.

The answer was ‘in 3 weeks, we’ve moved 4880 to work from home (due to Covid-19), and 0 production issue. WoW, what an achievement and collaboration across-functions!

COO then played a ‘team working from home video’…people around the world in front of the computer, on headset, by the kitchen table, with kid and pats…a ‘dragon’ was typing and a ‘superman’ was upside-down by a laptop…the images made people laugh, shine a light from the groom and doom news.

CTO wrapped up the meeting well with ‘This is a reflection point for the organization; when we have clear goal, we can achieve great thing.’ I love and believe it!

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