Creative Volunteerism

After a heated election, Feel inspired, America brought me a big smile. One example…

In 2016 Scott Duncombe, a software developer in Portland, Ore., saw on the news that Cleveland residents had to wait hours in long lines to vote. His heart went out to them. In Oregon, there are never any lines because everybody votes by mail. So he called up a pizza place in Cleveland and ordered a bunch of food to raise their spirits.

The effort grew. This year, the volunteer-driven nonpartisan project, Pizza to the Polls, has delivered more than 66,000 pizzas to polling places in 48 states. About 30 staff members and volunteers on Election Day were scanning for texts and social media posts from voters at polling sites with long lines. Their fleet of trucks, with “Democracy is delicious” printed across the side, also handed out free milkshakes, burgers and empanadas.

“Instead of doomscrolling Twitter, this is a way to bring a lot of joy,” Mr. Duncombe said.

Mr. Duncombe is right; instead of waiting, talking or blaming others, he did what he thought a nice thing to do and encouraged many more “normal” people to join and create a delicious movement.

What are you passionate about? What “cause” will you take actions?

For me, it’s social innovation, especially in health and education because they are fundamental to human life and where I believe the biggest impacts/ transformation would be. I have a volunteer day from work plus Covid, it’d be a staycation during holiday. I want to make it fun and meaningful – useful to others while learning/ trying something new myself. I reached out to several friends inquiring opportunities to help out and signed up at Catch a Fire, a skill-based volunteering matching site. Let’s see~

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