Christmas Tree and Gift

I heard from the radio that a single mom who was laid-off during Covid felt bad that she couldn’t buy presents to her children, actually, she couldn’t even afford a Christmas tree.

I felt sad for her, not only the financial challenges but also the “holiday obligation”. I never had a Christmas tree or gifts when growing up. You could say I came from a different culture, yet even during Chinese New Year, biggest celebration in Taiwan. As a kid, I was more excited for the gathering and happy spirit than the red envelops. I’d keep the red envelops of wishing words from families and give mom and dad what’s inside to put in a bank. I also remember my niece’s favorite toy was a (disposable) film tube, not a fancy gadget or expensive doll. She would roll the tube around, put it up ‘n down, and “fly” it for hours.

When I came to US, one year, one of my roommates bought a Christmas tree. I helped her decorate it and loved the smell filled the house yet I felt bad by cutting a big tree for 1-2 month display so I never bought a tree myself. I hope one day I’ll have a real tree in my yard to decorate.

This year, aunt planted several Christmas trees on her front yard so I volunteered to decorate her trees. Tonight on my ride home, I saw the light shows on the big trees at Watertown square. The lights change colors and move up ‘n down the trunks of trees (not traditional Christmas trees but regular trees at the square). They are beautiful. Who says Christmas tree has to be a spruce, pine, fir or specific shape?

In my usual walk after dinner, I stopped at my neighbors’ windows to admire their trees: each has different lights, ornaments, and stars or flakes yet they all bring me a big smile; I felt peace and love and appreciated their sharing of the holiday spirit with every pass-by.

Perhaps for the single mom or anybody who enjoy the holiday tree and spirit, let’s decorate a community tree or enjoy a neighbor’s tree. The joy and beauty can come from anywhere. If you can afford a tree or gifts, wonderful, share with others and “Give a Gift that Lasts a Life Time” (see the post)…

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