Buffer and Bonus

After 3 days of snow, I got out and saw more snow on my car than expected. Not only snow, the bottom became ice, heavier and denser to move, soon my scraper broke. If this is not enough, I looked around, a snow ‘wall’ built around my car by the plowing truck, nobody was around and I had no shuffle or any other snow removing tool. How am I going to dig my car out?

I tried to push the snow off the car by a brush. I saw a lady came out and went to ask if I can borrow a shuffle but she doesn’t know where the tool is. I went to ring another house’s bell, no answer. I went back digging with brush…slow progress. I saw a car coming out and ran to stop it. The lady was kind enough to let me borrow her shuffle. Thank you! Thought I don’t know your name. I used the shuffle to break, push, and scoop the snow, ice on the car…sweaty and breathing hard. After an hour, my car finally emerged. Next is to ‘carve’ a path out. The pathway on the back out to the street was blocked and looked too solid to tackle by a shuffle. I decided to cut a hole from the side (snow) wall. It’s icy and slipper on one side. I almost fell. I worked from the other side. 1 shuffle at a time, slowly and surely plus twit and turn of the car, I finally got out, 1.5hr+ passed.

Looking back, several lessons learned (1) ‘clean up’ asap, (2) leave ‘buffer’. I thought it would take about 30min to clean the car and it ended up taking more than 3 times. Fortunately, I had no urgent thing/ meeting to attend and my boss was very understanding. It could be worse if without the kind neighbor or if the car broke down. The bonus from the snow shuffle? clearly no need to go to gym today 🙂