A Different July 4th

Due to Covid-19, many US cities cancelled events and fireworks for July 4th to avoid the crowd. To celebrate at home, my roommate S and I made and shared champignon pizza (French-style with mushroom) for lunch and orange chicken with vegetable over brown rice for dinner. S said orange chicken is among the most popular Chinese dishes in America yet I had never had or heard of it back home. S loves spicy food and twisted the sauce; it became sweet and spicy orange chicken which I enjoyed, normally I’d not like sweet dish.

I’m surprised yet delighted to find out that DC and NYC having fireworks. I don’t have a TV to watch NYC’s yet I can watch DC’s online. It showed live fireworks, performance, and previous years’ highlights. Meanwhile, some splashes pop-up outside my window. People in neighborhood set their own fireworks which reminded me of the childhood that I played fireworks with cousins during Chinese New Year and Independence Day.

A different and fun July 4. I wish all in America a good year ahead!

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