
zucchini, gift of humanity

I took a walk after dinner as usual in the neighborhood. I walked pass a garden while a man was working behind the vine with his wife standing by. I gave them a big smile and said hello (as I normally do with people) and complimented on their flourishing tomato, lettuce, etc. When I walked back, the lady asked me if I like zucchini. ‘Yes’ I answered and she handed me a freshly picked zucchini (bigger of the two). I was surprised. We didn’t know or talked to each other. For a second, I wondered if I should put on my mask or take the zucchini. Her big smell and comforting voice eased me. I introduced myself and asked their names. We chatted briefly and I walked away with a beautiful gift of humanity.

Covid-19 might have changed how we live and work yet I’m glad it hasn’t changed how we interact with each other, with genuineness, generosity, and trust.

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