Catch the Moment

Yesterday I saw the family messages on Line about aunt’s birthday. I texted her to wish her happy birthday and asked if I can bring lunch or dinner and what she would like…no response. Later in the afternoon, I found out the Persian restaurant was open (which I asked a few weeks ago if aunt would like to try but we missed each other’s message until too late) and it was a nice day out, I could pick up the food, bike over, and drop-off (with Covid, we paused the gathering which aunt is a master and usually the host). I texted again to see if she’d be interested. This time she responded and even better, her daughter, my cousin was also interested and she would head to London tonight for graduate school. Perfect timing!

I ordered a family platter: an assortment of beef, chicken, and lamb kebab along with grilled tomatoes and basmati rice. The restaurant owner packed 2 large trays in a brown bag then put in a heavy-duty, reusable canvas bag that I could hang on the bike. Thanks, it made my bike rider easier and safer. It was a sunny and breezy day, perfect to ride…

Aunt is having a big house project: clean-up, remodel, then put-up for sales. For a house the family lived for 26 years, it had a lot of stuffs and memory. I found my cousin and her friend in the backyard. I went to say hello and farewell. They opened the trays, welcome to Iran: one tray had four perfectly grilled meat (chicken, lamb, and beef) in light-to-dark brown along with 5 charcoaled tomatoes on top of a huge flat bread. The other was full of steamy, white, long basmati rice with yellow meat juice glare over. I could eat the rice alone. It was a beautiful presentation and aunt took a picture of the food. I congratulated both of them: mom on her birthday and daughter on being accepted to a great MBA program. She loves London and is very excited about the new journey ahead. We briefly chatted then I headed home. Aunt insisted me to take some food and gave me a box. I brought a mini assortment home and enjoyed it while watching a live dance performance online. I was happy to catch the ‘moment’ of aunt’s birthday, cousin’s farewell as well as enjoying the food, weather, and (biking) exercise.

Today I saw aunt’s Line message: a picture of not only the food but also her daughter (wearing a mask); she thanked me for the thoughtfulness to bring food for the celebration. It was her big (70) birthday and it was her and daughter’s last meal home before the airport. She wrote ‘her daughter took a good final look around the house and said goodbye to dad again (who passed away a few years ago) before the airport. Nobody knows what lies ahead yet next time when she comes back, it would be a different home’…

Aunt, cousin, and I would remember this for a long time…I didn’t know what’s behind or what would happen when I suggested the idea to bring food. I simply thought it would be nice…I’m amazed by the ripple effects; I was ‘lucky’ to be part of the experience and I enjoyed myself. Thank goes both ways~

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