Take a Moment to Appreciate

Many people would say 2020 is a challenging year yet there is always bright side…

I wrote an article called “Take a moment to appreciate” at work. We have made tremendous progress, including automation/ time saving for team, reduced outsourcing cost, enhanced community experience, and increased user adoption in 2020 (see “Cheers” post for more details) yet I’d put “People” first. Cross-functional teams worked through personnel changes, heated debates, and resource reduction. We got up and kept moving forward.

Personally, I appreciate to be safe and healthy, able to work from home during the pandemic, and delighted to enjoy human creativity, e.g. Toastmaster meetings were moved online and I visited 10 clubs around the world (South Africa, Spain, Poland, Dubai, just name a few), many conferences went virtual and free (TEDxSeattle, Toastmaster International Convention, etc.), and creators presented their arts in different ways (SheARTS , Fairy tale variations, etc.).

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the people, health, joy, {fill the blank} in our life!

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