What Will You Choose?

After writing ‘Where is positivity from?‘, I needed to use the restroom. As I walked toward a nearby building, rain came down quickly. I ran for a cover by an entrance. The door was locked and required a pass to enter.

I watched the rain and wondered what I should do. A student came, swiped his pass, and went into the building. ‘I should ask him’, I told myself. A few minutes later, another lady came. As she entered, I summed up the courage to ask ‘Can I use the restroom?’ To my surprise, she said ‘I’m sorry but I don’t have the key to the restroom downstairs’. What? When did restroom become a top security spot?

I decided to go to the other side of the building to see if I could get in. I found the main entrance but the door was also locked. There was a phone panel but I had no idea what # to call. After several failed attempts, I decided to go for plan C.

I walked to the large science building across the street. ‘No public restroom’ signs were posted on the door loud and clear. Well, it’s pouring outside, I decided to go in.

I walked around. There was an open seating area. Beyond that, you need a student pass to swipe in. I came outside; the rain was pouring. What should I do? I asked a young tall guy next to me if he knew a public restroom around. He said downstairs. Well, it needs a student pass. He thought again and suggested to try the exit of the grand hall.

We chatted; I learned that he is a junior in high school and taking summer program at Harvard. He has an economic class at noon and he wishes the rain will calm down soon. I ensured him it will though the rain came down harder as we spoke.

The young guy decided to go back to the science building, leaving me standing outside with the rain. I decided to move to the other side of the building where it’s closer to the grand hall. This way, when the rain calms down, I can run to the grand hall as fast as possible.

A few minutes later, the moment came. I quickly dashed over and reached the entrance of the grand hall.

It’s lunch time and students lined up to go into the dining hall. I politely asked the lady who was manning the entrance if I could use the restroom. She said ‘There is no public restroom here’. I thanked her and retreated outside.

I decided to give it another try. I went to the other end of the building hoping to find the exit, as the young man hinted. Yes, I saw a door and a few ladies came out. I got in; there was no security guard or staff watching. There was a stairs to basement with a sign ‘Restroom downstairs is for Harvard students only’. Well, I took a deep breath, prepared to be rejected or apologize, and walked downstairs. There was nobody. I took a quick right turn and 5 beautiful letters ‘WOMEN’ appeared on the wall, thanks God!

After relieving, I quietly came back up and got out of the building, the rain stopped. I looked at my watch, 10 minutes to noon. Yes, the young man will make his class.

Looking back, I’m grateful for the help and luck to use the restroom. I also learned the power of believing. Believe the possibility, believe the goodness in people, and believe taking thoughtful actions to make things happen!

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