Flag Raising

The first day of 2024, mom, dad and I got up early to join the flag raising ceremony at 7AM at a neighborhood playground. With election in 2 weeks, the debate of identity and competition are intense yet today there is no bus, neither freebie to lure…Everybody came with his/ her heart. We held a small flag in our hand, sang the national anthem, and watched the large flag raising.

Last time I attended flag raising was 24 years ago. After welcoming the millennium with 50,000 people at Taipei city plaza, a few friends and I walked to presidential palace to join 6AM flag raising.

Whatever is the result of election, I hope the flag continues raising, the elected thinks beyond self and party* and people work together to build a safe, healthy, and prosperous future for all.

*Mr. Jingguo’s Ten Major Constructions has set the foundation for Taiwan’s transformation. Who and how might we go to the next level?

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