Yan – Loving, Authentic & Courageous

Yan and I’ve known each other over 5 years. We share with each other good reads and interesting things. Once in a while, I’d pick Yan’s brain; she is always generous to offer thoughts and advice.

During my transition in 2018, I asked Yan how she decided to leave a successful corporate career (GM before 40) to start an executive coaching business. She suggested “listen to your head, heart, and body”. She realized her passion for coaching leaders and teams to be their best. It was scary to start over at 40 yet she had a transition plan and she told herself, “I have 40 more years ahead of me, taking 2-3 years to figure it out is a small investment…”, “…imagine when you’re 90, what would you say looking back”, Yan remarked…her words (wisdom) stay with me.

Recently Yan shared this article with me; it shows who she is – loving, authentic, and courageous!