The tenants reported laundry stopped working. I went to check, the machine wasn’t plugged in. I plugged it in, nothing happened. There was no power. I tried another outlet, the machine digital control panel turned on. I called a repair guy who was out-of-town yet he explained how the outlet light works. Interestingly, it’s different …
Author Archives: admin
Invite, Believe, and Make it Happen!
I’m excited to see Harvard Business School’s Women in Business conference back in person, my first physical attendance since pandemic (3 years went fast). People were excited to see and interact with each other. I was chatting with one of the few men at the conference. He said his sister invited him. He thought it’s …
A Privilege to Complain
I received very high electricity bill, compared a person whose house is 3 times of mine, our heating cost was about the same (hers by gas), this is insane. I called the electricity supplier asking what they could help. The staff first suggested house insulation, which I did already; second, put heavy curtain over the …
Incredible Body
My back head felt pulling down by a ton and my ear felt drumming inside. What’ going on? I have million things to do, please don’t add more…I went out to dinner with a few distant relatives tonight. One I met for the first time and the others we haven’t seen each other for over …
Making Progress
Happy rabbit year! The past weekend started Chinese new year. I heard from friends in China, since Covid outbreak, first time family got together to celebrate. That’s a progress. Last year, I had Chinese New Year with aunt and we watched Beijing winter Olympics together. This year, with aunt, 2 of her best friends and …
It’s Still Good for January
I went out to run a few errands…felt like a coffee in a misty gray day. I walked to a local bookstore at a popular square. I asked if they have decaf, the lady said not now yet if I want to wait for a few minutes, they could make me one, great! I brought …
Good or Bad Luck?
Right after Christmas, I heard a voicemail from the tenant that water came down from 3F to 2F. She sent me a video, I can see the waterfall and pool in the house. OMG…fortunately, her boyfriend got help from his dad, managed to turn off the water of 3F so the waterfall stopped and she …
Hair Repair
My hair easily comes out whether by touching or gravity, especially when it’s long, when I brush down, it stuck and pull hair off so I try not to brush often. It seems getting worse recently when I wash or brush hair. I don’t have that many hair to go down in this speed. I …
Return to School
I returned to NSYSU (National Sun Yat-Sen University) my alumni university, more than 3 years since my last visit, I noticed quite a few changes… – more foreign students from various cultures – the tunnel becomes a sky, recorded with cloud-shape lights, neon-light stars, and projection of art, poem, etc. With Christmas coming, students are …
Will and Discipline
We went lunch with uncles and aunt. Uncle used to be a physician. After an accident, he lost strength of his hands. He wasn’t eager to go to physical therapy. Mom accompanied him everyday for several months in the height of covid without vaccination (not enough doses for general public yet). Mom asked the physical …