Risk-Taking? Accountability

Aunt’s friends admire her ‘bravery’ to take risks膽子大. Aunt said she is not brave, neither gambling; actually she is conservative. What she does is to assess the risk and determine if she can manage the worst case scenario, if so, go for it. Once she made the decision, she’d stick to it to make it …

Learn to be Smarter

Is intelligence born with or can it be learned? Cognitive test comes in variety yet questions usually fall into 3 categories: numerical, verbal, and spatial. I took a free course online, learned to identify pattern and calculate math faster. After 3 hour study, my score has improved significantly. Practice makes it better and we all …

Responsibility, Creativity, Humanity

Watching news about Russia invasion Ukraine… A lady playing piano in a busy transportation hub to bring people joy. Polish open arms to its neighbor, welcoming refugees People around the world book Airbnb in Ukraine with no intention to travel there but get money into people’s hands quickly Ukraine men get on train from Poland …