Special Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year’s (CNY) Eve, aunt asked me if I want to go to dim sum with her and her good friend. Normally, I’d be working yet there was server connection issue, I couldn’t do much at the moment so I joined them. We chatted and laughed over 蝦餃(shrimp dumpling), 鳳爪(chicken feet), 蘿蔔糕(turnip cake), 螃蟹球(fried …

Feliz Cumpleaños, Mamá!

I returned Costa Rica to celebrate ‘mama*’ 70 birthday. We took a weekend getaway to Rio Celeste. We spent 1st afternoon in the ‘tree’ maze (interesting culture difference, in US, maze is usually seasonal, made of dried corn after harvest in the fall yet in CR, the maze are green trees, I guess year-round?). We …

Happy New Year and I’m Lucky!

Happy new year! Welcome 2022 with mom, dad, sister, and niece; due to pandemic, we stayed home and enjoyed the best “mom” food. After dinner, we walked to a nearby department store to see the holiday decoration then counted down virtually watching celebration parties on TV. Chinese New Year has brought more travelers home, shorter …

Surprise I

I wasn’t thrilled to return to US earlier yet it gave me the opportunity to catch-up with old friend and colleague and get flu shot and teeth cleaning before moving again. Chinese idiom said it well “塞翁失馬焉知非福” when you lose a horse, it’s hard to say it’s a good or bad news.