Buy-in => Believe-in

Change is never easy. I’ve learned that to be effective and lasting, we need “Believe-in” beyond “Buy-in”: people not only agree but also understand why and take ownership to drive it. When things go well, people feel proud to be part. When things get hard, people would persist, collaborate, and come up creative solutions to …

Creative Volunteerism

After a heated election, Feel inspired, America brought me a big smile. One example… In 2016 Scott Duncombe, a software developer in Portland, Ore., saw on the news that Cleveland residents had to wait hours in long lines to vote. His heart went out to them. In Oregon, there are never any lines because everybody …

冬令進補,三喜臨門 Winter’s Coming, Triple Happiness

Winter is coming. According to Chinese tradition, people celebrate with tonic (warm, nutritious food). I celebrated with three good news this week: Biden/ Harris won the US presidential election. I hope that means integrity, justice, and opportunities for all. We completed the customer portal interviews: we built everything (process, material, relationship) from scratch and successfully …

Fun & Why of Halloween

Have you wondered why people dress up in custom in Halloween? Why children go trick ‘o treat? Also, why people carve pumpkins vs. zucchini or other vegetables…and why they are “spooky” faces? I decided to research on them for my Toastmaster speech, “Fun and Why of Halloween”, let me share with you what I’ve found… …