Mom suggested me to get an eye warmer to prevent dry eyes (more prominent nowadays and at younger age due to extensive usage of 3C products). I tried on the warmer, it’s so smoothing that I almost fell asleep. My roommate told me there is a restaurant in NYC that you eat in the dark …
Author Archives: admin
No shopping this Black Friday, instead, I ordered two things online. In the past, aunt’s banquet easily had 20+ people and 15+ dishes, today just 4 of us with 3 home-made dishes: rice cake stew, shrimp, string bean; plus roasted veggie pizza I brought from a local shop, simple and delicious. We ate on the …
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! Last year I went home and spent the week with family. This year, due to Covid, I along with many stay wherever we are. I saw a friend’s text comparing last year she had a Thanksgiving dinner with friends in NYC then flew to Asia for class reunion trip, this year, she’ll have …
Gen Z
I contacted Skillers, a Toastmasters club in Lublin, Poland twice on its website expressing interest to join its meeting and requesting the virtual meeting link. I didn’t hear back. I messaged them on Facebook page, there was still no response, I posted on its board (less than 30 min before the meeting), last try…right at …
Think of Why
Not sure what triggered, our new neighbor was yelling with F* words on the phone yesterday morning and throughout the day. The apartment temperature wasn’t news, she signed the lease knowing landlord asked to put 70F constant for both units as the heat is included in the rent. The temperature control of the front part …
Candle Light
I saw an email from a Toastmaster club that I attend meeting every now and then; a shocking news of a friend’s passing due to a heart condition. Brad was only 54. I hasn’t attended the meeting (seen him) for a while yet I remember his unique style. Brad was ambiguous and perhaps quirky sometimes, …
TEDx Seattle: Other Sides
I joined TEDx Seattle 2020. The event itself showed the other (bright) side of Covid, first ever virtual and free. I don’t know its past attendance # yet 1200 watching live would be a great # to spread worthy ideas, thank you TEDx Seattle hosting team. The theme was chosen well – to bridge and …
Staycation => Voluncation
Due to Covid, this holiday season will be staycation, no travel for me. I would enjoy reading, writing, and attending virtual activities yet I want to do something more and different. I read about Catch a Fire, a platform for skill-based volunteering, a while ago and decided to sign-up. I applied for two projects with …
“Spicy” Win
This week I’m working with teams to define and align 2021 priorities and estimate development efforts. For some, they are cautious about the expectation (how to estimate TBD?); for others, they’re eager (& perhaps inpatient) to see the projection. It’s also time to request and determine next year’s budget and resource allocation. It’s no surprise …
Give a Gift that Lasts a Life Time
I met Heather Beem, founder of Practical Education Network (PEN) at an MIT social innovation event several years ago. I like her/ PEN’s mission to improve learning outcomes by building teacher capacity with locally available materials. We became friends. I reached out to her recently asking if anything I can assist with my voluncation (volunteer …