TEDx Seattle: Other Sides

I joined TEDx Seattle 2020. The event itself showed the other (bright) side of Covid, first ever virtual and free. I don’t know its past attendance # yet 1200 watching live would be a great # to spread worthy ideas, thank you TEDx Seattle hosting team. The theme was chosen well – to bridge and …

Staycation => Voluncation

Due to Covid, this holiday season will be staycation, no travel for me. I would enjoy reading, writing, and attending virtual activities yet I want to do something more and different. I read about Catch a Fire, a platform for skill-based volunteering, a while ago and decided to sign-up. I applied for two projects with …

“Spicy” Win

This week I’m working with teams to define and align 2021 priorities and estimate development efforts. For some, they are cautious about the expectation (how to estimate TBD?); for others, they’re eager (& perhaps inpatient) to see the projection. It’s also time to request and determine next year’s budget and resource allocation. It’s no surprise …

Give a Gift that Lasts a Life Time

I met Heather Beem, founder of Practical Education Network (PEN) at an MIT social innovation event several years ago. I like her/ PEN’s mission to improve learning outcomes by building teacher capacity with locally available materials. We became friends. I reached out to her recently asking if anything I can assist with my voluncation (volunteer …