I asked several experienced toastmaster friends their recommendations for me of high impact area to work on communication/ public speaking. I was surprised to hear ‘showing vulnerability/ sharing difficult personal stories’. I signed up for a speech tonight and I had no time to prepare. I thought of dropping off but felt bad to do …
Author Archives: admin
Courageous Conversation
I was consulting with a friend/ mentor about speaking clearly, concisely, and credibly. He shared What I learned from 100 days of rejection and encouraged me to have courageous conversations. He is right. The best way to learn is to do it – practice and adjust; we can be candid and respectful.
How to be Remarkable
I attended 3 education sessions led by talented and passionate teachers, Matt, Joshua, and Melissa of Social Services and Education Symposium at New England University in Portland, Maine. Matt shared ‘crew’ program in his school: each crew has 14 students and an advisor (teacher). The crew meet daily to discuss what’s happening and challenging in …
Letting Go
3 biggest takeaways for me from Letting go: – others is a mirror reflecting what we’re unaware of ourselves: A person doesn’t create fear, rather, if we have fear inside, he/she may trigger that. If we don’t have fear, nobody can trigger that. – past is a little teddy bear: agonizing for what we did …
What Will You Choose?
After writing ‘Where is positivity from?‘, I needed to use the restroom. As I walked toward a nearby building, rain came down quickly. I ran for a cover by an entrance. The door was locked and required a pass to enter. I watched the rain and wondered what I should do. A student came, swiped …
Where is Positivity From?
I’m sitting under a big tree at Harvard campus. The sun pokes through the leaves while breeze travels through the air. A young man walked by with a bunch of roses in his hand, I cross finger for his successful conversation. 5 young ladies walked by with a badge in their hands, attending a summer …
Do Less and Slower
A friend and I chatted about the books. I remember the book title and knew I had read it yet I couldn’t recall the gist. At first, I thought because I read the book a while ago and couldn’t remember. Yet for book I read recently, I also didn’t remember much. Why not? Did I …
Be ‘Real’
Friend shared this video with me…WoW! No question that Sydnie has amazing voice and she was cute and funny yet what really made her stand-out, in my view, is… She was very Real Sydnie said ‘I really felt heard, I’d never forget that’…oh, yes, I/we all heard her, loved her, and possibly cried along with …
A friend introduced me to The Moth. I went to a live event, StorySLAM where 10 volunteers, randomly drew from a bag, told a 5 minute story. I loved it – the sincerity of the stories, the energy of the room, and the humor of the host. I noticed a first-timer night with the theme …
Site Progression
*** Why I started and named ‘UncoverSpecial’? *** All of us have dreams, e.g. writing a book, learning a music instrument, taking a dancing class, etc. yet there never seems to be enough time or we often wonder what “exactly” to write, create and what others may think…I’m no exception yet I decided to just …