I like going to the traditional market with mom, experiencing the energy, the colorful offering, and the ‘genius’… Mom knows where to find the best buy: we would get up at 6AM then (bike) raced to the market to get guavas (before good ones being taken); we would ride over half an hour to another …
Author Archives: admin
Happy Dragon Year
Mom and I wrote bike to the market. The street is bustling with people, vendors luring loudly, shoppers catching and bringing their ‘trophies’ (bags of everything they like) home for the feast. Our baskets were quickly filled with fruits, vegetables, fish, and on top, an old-fashioned rice cake. I worked till before the reunion dinner. …
Creative Problem Solving
I’ve been taking Creativity and AI courses. The final project is to define a topic to research, gather inputs from people around you, immediate and extended community then apply the intervention and observe outcome, learning. I chose to work on ‘Creative problem solving’. We solve problem everyday and I’m interested in learning people’s different thinking …
We went to a dim sum restaurant and had some extra food. We asked the waitress for a box to bring them home. She was eager to help. She carefully picked up each piece and put it side-by-side in the box. It became a pretty ‘assortment’. We complimented her artistic skill. She laughed and said …
Flag Raising
The first day of 2024, mom, dad and I got up early to join the flag raising ceremony at 7AM at a neighborhood playground. With election in 2 weeks, the debate of identity and competition are intense yet today there is no bus, neither freebie to lure…Everybody came with his/ her heart. We held a …
Observation of Taiwan Election
In 2 weeks, there will be presidential and legislator elections in Taiwan. Candidates used all kinds of strategies and tactics to seek supports and win over competition. People might be frustrated by the attacks of each other: lie, illegal property, ‘black’ money, etc. and wonder what is true? At the same time, we saw the …
4 Old Streets, 4 Different Styles
(四條老街,四樣風情) I visited 4 old streets in New Taipei City: Dan Shui (淡水), Jiu Fen (九份), Shi Fen (十分), San Xia (三峽). The first two I had visited many years ago and liked so I want to come back; the last two was first time. They were very different, let me share with you… Dan …
What $2 Can Buy?
What $2 can buy? If you say ‘not much’…first of all, congratulation on your fortune. According to world bank’s 2020 data, 10% of world population, over 700 million people live under that a day. Let me share with you what $2 has brought me… I was looking for a missing screw of a dishwasher. I …
Thanksgiving normally are days off that people spend with family, friends, watching Macy’s parades and having way too much food. This year is quite different, due to system incident, I’m discussing with engineers then communicating with cross-functional team. The whole morning went quickly. I was planning to have lunch with some friends but by the …
Dream Come True
March ’20 I had a planned trip to Arkansas and complete a bucket list to visit all US states. Covid hit, the trip was cancelled and postponed until now, 3.5 years later. I landed in Little Rock in a sunny Saturday afternoon. I walked out of the airport excited to check things out. A small …