Listen More, Talk Less

When I came to US to attend business school, I was shocked that students raised their hands ‘before’ professor even finished the question. How could people ‘think’ that fast? At first, I thought it’s my English (to understand) or classmates were ‘smarter’ than me. As time went on, I realized that it’s a strategy (as …

A Strong Closing and New Beginning

July marked one year anniversary for me on several fronts: at current company, UncoverSpecial blog, and 1 year book project… At work, I enjoyed performing a variety of roles and activities, from community management learning, platform analysis and proposal, to cross-functional collaboration in software development and deployment. We’re leveraging technology to increase team productivity, reduce …

There is Always Hope

Last summer I moved to Boston area and I was busy enjoying its variety of offerings, e.g. concerts, festivals, startup events while exploring restaurants and museums. This year, with Covid-19, a different summer, I’m finding alternatives online… I came across Honeyland, a documentary about Hatidže Muratova, a wild bee keeper’s life in the remote mountain …

Be the Cause, Not Because

Can’t remember where I saw or heard the phrase, Be the Cause, Not Because, yet it immediately became my mantra. Instead of making excuse or waiting on others, it’s our responsibility to take action to make what we’d like to see and a world we want to live in. Using data/ fact to make decision …


Job placement fail has been a constant topic/ team concern as we’re rolling out the new (software) function, though in reality, it’s a very small % and failure happened before the function release as well. I understand people’s ‘risk-adverse’ nature yet I want to cultivate/ encourage a failure-learning-growth culture. If there is no failure, we …

Journey is the Reward

I completed ‘Dynamic Leadership’ path from Toastmaster Pathway and gave a reflection speech about the journey. I shared 3 lessons, not typical from the communication and leadership skills people associated with Toastmaster. What I have learned is to focus on one thing at a time and don’t be too harsh on myself (progress will come …