I noticed flag half way while having lunch with 2 young colleagues A and C. I asked why and was suggested (A guessed) in memory of 9/11. It has been 18 years yet it’s still vivid. A and C said 9/11 had ‘forever’ changed America. They were in elementary school then. A remembered worrying about …
Author Archives: admin
Marathon Bike Ride
2nd week into my new home/ life and an Art Festival in downtown, I decided to ride a bike there before it’s getting cold. I haven’t rode for the whole summer because of moving (bike in storage). It’s ~10 miles each way so quite an exercise and ambitious adventure. A beautiful day to ride, sunny …
New Month Exercise
I did a monthly experiment – between 7/21-8/20, intentionally chose something new or did differently. I tracked and wrote the experience in ‘Open Mind’ and ‘1 Month Anniversary’ posts. It was fun and expanded my comfort zone. For September, I’d like a new exercise to get to know 3 new people or acquaintances more each …
My manager and I had a meeting with the group president to confirm I’d be the product lead of a high priority project. I started right away to put together the vision, scope, and requirements, consolidate prior works, and gather team inputs. A few days later, I was told the project would be led by …
New Month, New Home, New Life
September started a new chapter: new home, new roommate, new life! I signed a 1 year lease and will be settled for a while (vs. moved 5 times in the past 2 years). I’m grateful for the different experiences (beautiful small towns with 3min walk to trail and farm stands on road side; bustling city …
It has been a fun summer, living in the city, exploring different activities (e.g. African Festival, island getaway, improve meetup, summer concerts…) and restaurants (e.g. Italian Fettuccini & meatball, Korean fried chicken, Chinese Dim Sum & clay pot rice, Vietnam sandwich, French pastries…), and hanging out with roommate R & her friends (e.g. watching 7/4 …
Do the Right Thing
There was a big pine tree in my neighborhood. Somebody digged the roots out and left it there for weeks. Half of the leaves was brown/ dried out, the other half was still green and fighting. I walked pass it many times until 8/25, a week before I’ll move out. I got to do something… …
1 month anniversary
7/22/19 I wrote ‘Open Mind’ post and decided to do an experiment – for a month 7/21-8/20, I’d intentionally choose something new or do differently… I’ve done many different things, e.g. Summer concerts: enjoying the symphony by the river park and watching people dancing in the city center plaza. Island getaway: joining my cousin & …
緣份Yuan Fan
A and I met a little over a year ago at Toastmaster district conference. At that point, I newly moved to the area and came to the conference for the 1st time wanting to learn more about a new district and make new friends. A and I sat next to each other and hit right …
First Time
My roommate and I craved for dumplings. Instead of going out or buying frozen ones, we decided to make ourselves from scratch (with flour, leek, egg, green bean noodle). She is confident of her rolling skill and I’m proud of my craft of dumpling making, learned from dad when growing up. It’s my 1st time …