This morning, I looked out of the window and saw ‘orange slip’ on many of cars parking on the street. Oh no, I ran out and ‘luckily’, I didn’t see one on my car. To be honest, none of the cars that got a ‘orange slip’ (driveway ticket) block the driveways and the yellow marks …
Author Archives: admin
I attended Constant Contact Sales & Marketing Toastmaster meeting in 8/14/19 and had a great time~ Good speakers, supportive environment, and creative twists, e.g. humor workshop, facilitated audience evaluation. The speaker of humor workshop said ‘If you don’t laugh yourself, somebody else will’, everybody laughed. It’s humor in action and ‘double’ bonus – making you …
I told mom I want to join a Meetup group for camping this weekend. The weather forecast is good, the campsite is in a popular town in Maine, and the organizers are very kind to lend me a tent. I plan to read or walk around while people go paddling and there will be a …
It may not be a surprise as ‘cooking’ is traditionally ‘women’s works and probably still today done mostly by women around the world though I know several men who love cooking and are in charge of that at home. Many women (include myself) never cooked while at home, only started when we’re moving out or …
Dream Ramen
Yume Wo Katare is among the top 5 Ramen places in Greater Boston. A small place with a big (waiting) line. What makes this place unique is not only the super size food, ‘pile’ of tender meat and chewy noodles, but also the community atmosphere. You sit next to fellow eaters on a long table, …
I was looking for a new home for the past few weeks. I visited one apartment, good location, modern interior, and decent rent. The only problem was a ‘male’ roommate. I had several roommates in the past but all female. Would it work and be safe? I decided to get to know him, S and …
Career Change
Several people (friends and strangers on Linkedin) asked me about how to change career across industries. So far I’ve spent 16+ years around the globe working in 5 industries (consumer, tech/ software, personal care, consulting, education) with 3 startups and 3 multi-national companies. Here are 3 suggestions… 1) To find what’s relevant experiences and transferable …
My Favorite Quotes
2 of my favorite quotes are ‘Be the cause, not because’ and ‘Everything will be good in the end. If it’s not good, it’s not the end’. Instead of having excuses or blaming others for what happened or not, it’s more productive to make things happen. If you don’t like the situation, there are only …
I came across Boston Writers of Color & Write Down the Street August Writing Retreat on Meetup. Interesting so I went…CrubStreet, a cozy space of rooms dubbed different ‘themes’, e.g. quiet, music, light talk, family, plus free-style sofa. Diverse, friendly, and respectful people (quiet, brief talk and no cell phone ring or texting). I chatted …
My cousin took his sister, sister-in-law, and I to his partner’s cottage on an island, a beautiful place and community of 70 houses, surrounded by a bay; sunny, breezy, and green. Even better, a summer island party brought neighbors together at a back yard of a big house by the harbor, plenty of food, drinks, …