Many people, including myself had never imagined one day to wait in line for store to open and hope to get toilet paper in US. Yet it’s happening now… I went to Target at 8:20 (store opens at 8AM) and hope to get toilet paper. It was out of stocks last weekend when I went …
Author Archives: admin
Work from Home
Working from home for 2 weeks now. I appreciate the technology and teamwork that enable this, more importantly, the trust behind that people will do the right thing. I think ‘trust’ is what makes a brand, company, country great*. I’m fortunately living in a neighborhood, on the front facing the main road so looking outside …
We had a global all-hands town hall meeting. In the meeting, COO shared 3 numbers (3—4880—0) and asked everybody to guess what they mean. The answer was ‘in 3 weeks, we’ve moved 4880 to work from home (due to Covid-19), and 0 production issue. WoW, what an achievement and collaboration across-functions! COO then played a …
I received an email from an old colleague/ friend in China who asked how I am doing as she saw the news of Covid-19 outbreak in US. She said her husband and children went to WuHen (1st outbreak/ most seriously infected area) for Chinese New Year. The outbreak ‘grounded’ them there for 50 days and …
Smart Kindness
I am a supporter of Children International. Recently I sponsored 2 new girls in Philippine and Zambia. When I received the welcome pack, it included not only their pictures and profile info but also a card and a stamp-exempt return envelope asking me to answer a few questions to introduce myself. It took me only …
Our Choice
Schools are closed, events are cancelled, and people’s conversation is often around covid-19. It is uncertain, it may be scary, yet we always have the choice to be happy, hopeful, creative, considerate, helpful, grateful…
Be, Breath & Give Thanks
A lighter attendance to yoga class due to covid-19, the instructor shared with us her mantra ‘Be, Breath & Give Thanks’. I love it and it lights up this uncertain time. Being present in our practice or whatever we do, breath and appreciate what we have/ who we are. Crisis (worst time) often brings the …
With covid-19, many schools are closed and certain products are in short supply (I can understand for mask, sanitizer yet I’m surprised to see empty shelf of toilet paper, grocery). I don’t know what will happen next yet I try to live as normal life as possible, go to work, yoga, toastmaster…Worry doesn’t change the …
A Special Weekend!
I planned to attend the social enterprise conference at Harvard, due to the covid-19, the event was cancelled at the last minute. I was surprised yet glad to have the extra time to do class/ homework and enjoy a special Women’s Day… My roommate and I planned to have a farewell lunch with the departing …
Different Side of a Person
I’m often rushing and late to a week night yoga class. I was locked out of the door a few times. One time she finally noticed me standing outside and ‘reluctantly’ opened the door. The other time as I tried to ‘warm up’ (with different poses) to catch up the class, she said ‘please do …