
I attended Harvard Kennedy School Poverty and Inequality Conference. The sessions are very good yet the name needs to change, not only to be hopeful but also aim for desired outcome vs. avoidance (theme: ‘toward a more just world’ is much better). I attended the sessions of identity/ fighting status quo, healthcare reform, change of …

Take the Time, Do it Right!

I’ve spent the past few weeks with product/ tech team to design solutions for a high-priority project. Suddenly, customer is considering to change system and the project is on-hold. When we talked to the business leaders to understand different customer use cases, additional information/ different requests were unveiled. We may need to re-design the solution. …

Challenges, Opportunities

I read a forwarded FB post by a Taiwanese (unanimous) in China about coronavirus. Rather than the fear and blame as we usually see on the news, he/she wrote about the 10 changes spurred or accelerated by the crisis, e.g. store => online shopping, store for purchase => experience, work or education in the office, …

Messages Worth Spreading

I attended Harvard Dynamic Women in Business conference ‘Driving Change Together’. Let me share a few messages by the speakers, panelists that resonated with me and I believe will be useful for all (women and men)! ‘Choose courage over comfort 100% of the time’…by Carine Clark ‘learn the language of speaking up, not to use …

Stress + Rest = Progress

I’m reading Peak Performance (book) and the message of ‘Stress + Rest = Progress’ resonates with me. Many book/ people talk about stretching ourselves, being disciplined, and taking actions which is critical to success. Yet the combination of taking a break, relaxing, and giving ourselves a pat on the back is even more important, especially …