Happy Chinese New Year!

Another Chinese New Year away from home yet it’s filled with love and joy from friends, food, and family (relatives)… Shared Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner with a Chinese and Korean friends. Making dumpling is the tradition for people in NE China and fish is a main course for Korean. We had both plus beef …

Write it Down. Do it Now!

I’m listening to Making it All Work, same author of Getting Things Done (GTD). One key principle is to ‘write idea/ to-do down when it arises if it’ll take more than 2 minutes. If it’s under 2 minutes, do it immediately’. Many books emphasize ‘taking action’, e.g. 5 Second Rule (which proves very effective for …

Are We Ready?

I’ve spent the past few weeks with my boss and BI lead ‘digging data and tweaking the model’ to prepare for an experiment. Data analysis was messy and time-consuming. Meanwhile, we heard from team: some want to push the change forward faster, other question our ‘collaboration’ because they haven’t heard anything (though we had presented …


Today is Taiwan presidential election. Like any election result, some people are happy, others are not. The identity, relationship with China, and global politics/ competition of influence made things complicated, muddled with policies and performance. Whether people like the result or think it’s fair, to have the choice to vote and freedom of expression is …

Finding the Positive Everywhere

As I was preparing for the Toastmaster speech to focus on the positive, I thought of my trip in Guatemala… For the ‘no-show’ of 4:30AM pickup of Tikal tour while I got up 3ish and stand at street corner waiting for 45min… For the 2hr ‘sardine can’ ride to a small village that took less …