Happy New Year! I came across Peaks ‘n Valleys audio book at the library, 2 CDs share a simple story yet powerful message. What struck me are: There is no gap between peak and valley – things are connected and actions influence each other. We create our own peak and valley – We may not …
Author Archives: admin
Buen Viaje (Great Trip)
At airport wrapping up a fun 10 days trip across Guatemala. When people first heard about my trip, first word was ‘be careful’, several friends from Latin America especially recommended not to go alone as a woman. It concerned me a bit yet I’ve heard similar comments for many other countries. People mean well yet …
What Makes Holiday Special?
What makes holiday special? For some, it’s the family reunion, tradition or secret receive. For others, it may be religious, political, or professional association. For me, holiday is usually travel time. I’ve had a motorcycle tour of Santiago, Chile; biked around country side of Cuba and helped harvest pineapples & tasted the sweetest ever; ate …
塞翁失馬焉知非福 Good or Bad Luck?
Booked 4:30am pickup for Tikal; it was raining and I standee at the street corner under a bulb, the only bright spot for 45min, didn’t see a tour bus stop or pass. Tried several times, finally got somebody on the call who claimed the driver didn’t see me (really?). He promised to pick me up …
Arbol de Vida (Tree of Life)
Mayan call the tree ‘Arbol de vida’ (tree of life) because its roots spread out in all direction which represents their ’round’ worldview as well as transferring message from earth to god. It’s nicknamed ‘wow’ reflecting the impression when people first saw it, the scale, color, beauty, acoustic…it reminds me of what Chinese called 頂天立地 …
Little Kindness
Spirit airline charges everything, e.g. boarding pass print, carry-on bag, even water on board. A boy next to me asked for a Diet Coke. The crew told him they only accept credit card. He retreated his hand, disappointed as he only has cash. While I was considering if I shall swipe for him in exchange …
Jet blue is my favorite US airline. Why? I like its fun crew and they ‘generously’ give snacks, e.g. bags of chips, cookies vs. tiny pieces, peanuts or nothing at other airlines. Honestly, how much can the snack cost? Also, jet blue is the only airline that voluntarily issue voucher for the flight delay or …
Create Good News
Received a $500+ eye doctor bill 2 weeks ago, called the office twice, unresolved. I was told different reasons why it’s billed this way and asked to call the insurance if I want to dispute. Another 2 calls, I got K who was positive and energetic. She called the doctor office billing department and had …
Big Week
What a week! Launched Mobile app and supporting program, working on AI-light model/ experiment design, prep and hosted the quarterly steering meeting to plan for 2020. Everything is on top of each other, long day every day…yet, we made it! What I’ve learned over the course, besides business and product knowledge, are… 1) manage stress, …
Mobile app went live! 3 systems launched in 1y, 70%+ partner access, 45%+ PO handling, 100 million+ words processed…an impressive progress and it’s just the beginning! I sent out a group email to inform teams the product release and appreciate the efforts. Usually meetings are about the challenges, what’s not available or shall be improved …