At airport, I changed a few times of the lines to drop off bags, somehow, right after I changed, the line opened up and the person before me had something to delay the progress. I’d be much better off just stay at 1st line. I reminded myself the Chinese old proverb ‘ ‘ (rush result …
Author Archives: admin
A colleague asked me if there is something between us that she feels I’m ‘defensive’ to her. We talked about a few instances. For her, she feels she just asked a question or tried to help. For me, I already provided the info (did she read?) and would like team to work together to drive …
A Great Job!
At yoga practice, the instructor said today’s class would be continuous flow. We will decide when to go to child pose (whenever we need a rest). After an intense session, he complimented us and asked each of us to ‘congratulate’ ourselves for a great job done. He is right, we are usually generous to give …
Coincident or Connectivity?
It’s interesting how this week’s topics flow…We choose where we spend our ‘Energy’ and how we resolve, release ‘Tension’. Rather than avoiding or getting angry, ‘Face It’ is often the best solution while believing in people’s good intention. Tension, attention, intention: small difference in words and big difference in impacts, just like life, often what …
Face It!
I am listening to Nelson Mandela’s Conversation with Myself. One story about a man trying to move to the country side to escape the demon, on his way, he found that the demon also travelled with him…It struck me as it taught Mandela, no matter how difficult, scary, unwilling we feel, the best way is …
Tension => Communication
Had a ‘drama’ of meeting prep…after ‘cool-down’, I saw how it started, in my head: I was the initiative lead, why she sent a meeting agenda without consulting me? In her head: I was a new comer, she followed the ‘book’, and got approval from her boss, why I wanted to change now? I reached …
After an intense yoga practice, everybody was exhausted on the floor, the instructor said…think of your energy, you probably used 10% right now, where do you want to spend the rest of your energy today? Would you rather to spend on love, kindness or anger, hate…pretty ‘easy’ choice, right? Spend energy on what we want …
I joined a meeting/ dinner on a new project with a few colleagues and team from a partner company. We enjoyed the discussion, food, and each other’s company. What’s striking is not how ‘smart’ people are or what ‘incredible’ works they’ve done but how ‘down-to-earth’ people are and ‘natural’ the conversation flows. There is no …
Through Toastmaster, I’ve enjoyed and learned to tell stories in speech and conversation. In the past 2 weeks, I’ve learned a different kind of story-telling, to craft a story for the entire presentation, beyond/ besides stories (examples) in the presentation. One way is to use a timeline then dive deeper into key milestones or topics. …
Push ‘n Pull
A beautiful start of the day/ weekend with sunshine and brisk refreshing air, I joined 7:45AM yoga class. Perhaps it was early or cooler, my body was a bit stiff. I was wobbling on my balancing pose and got a bit frustrated about myself… Fortunately, I quickly ‘caught’ myself and calmed myself down; Warrior 3, …