Birthday Gift

Rich’s advice on leadership: focus on high-level goal, think creatively and strategically, solve problem, and servant leadership. I realized that I don’t need to wait for others but create a growth environment I want to be in. I started by asking people around people what interest and would be useful to them. A good birthday …

Invite, Believe, and Make it Happen!

I’m excited to see Harvard Business School’s Women in Business conference back in person, my first physical attendance since pandemic (3 years went fast). People were excited to see and interact with each other. I was chatting with one of the few men at the conference. He said his sister invited him. He thought it’s …

A Privilege to Complain

I received very high electricity bill, compared a person whose house is 3 times of mine, our heating cost was about the same (hers by gas), this is insane. I called the electricity supplier asking what they could help. The staff first suggested house insulation, which I did already; second, put heavy curtain over the …

Return to School

I returned to NSYSU (National Sun Yat-Sen University) my alumni university, more than 3 years since my last visit, I noticed quite a few changes… – more foreign students from various cultures – the tunnel becomes a sky, recorded with cloud-shape lights, neon-light stars, and projection of art, poem, etc. With Christmas coming, students are …

行行出狀元 Master in All Walks of Life

I heard from a friend who had a technician to repair a dryer for her. He charged $210 and it’s considered a reasonable price. What’s more interesting is that it’s his 8th projects that day and 2 more to come to close the day. Imagine how much money the electrician is making (of course, lots …